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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Morning Disappointments

Julia H. of Brooklyn NY was very disappointed this morning when Target was unable to serve her caffeine needs. Arriving at Target at 7 am, the doors were firmly locked, a bored security dude pointing at the sign on the door that posted the opening time as 8 am.
No Coffee.
Let down by Target.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Baby on the Belt

FYI- I love Pilsner Urquell

Health & Beauty- Hair Product Aisle

Pretty slow in the hair product aisle this morning, but overall there was some good energy in the Health & Beauty section. Please note that L'Oreal hair products are not available at this location.

TARGET's Overnight Redesign Causes Panic in Regular Patrons

Security cameras captured images of a frightened Yves Stoopen as he ran out of the newly redesign Midtown Miami TARGET store. A disappointed Target spokesperson said: "We were only trying to increase customer service."

Asked after the incident, Mr. Stoopen could only muster these three words: "What the fuck!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fred Head ... Brought to you by Target®

Mercadito by the Midtown TARGET on This Day in History

Target's Competition Literally Left in the Dust

Who shops at Marshall's anyway?

The Ins & Outs of Target

Is it me? But using the "IN" doors at Target seems like a total waste of life?

Pull and Pray with Target

Hey Ya'll, I went to the Target Pharmacy for the first time today. It's lovely!! Everything is so clean and organized. Unfortunately, I'm not and had to take three pills in one day.

Caught in the Act

Yves on his way to Target.

"No worries, Yves, the lines are short"

One Happy Camper

Here's DJ on his first Target run of the day.

Notice the smile. And he hasn't even had his coffee yet. Watch out ladies!!!

Towelless in Miami

So I find myself without a towel in 2407. What to do? Shit!!! Guess I gotta go to Target.
...and I need some coffee.

Monday, February 15, 2010

You can find anything on the internet

Check out these pictures!! Recognize the place? Is it one of you who's taken these wonderful shots?

Can't wait for my next visit

About to head to the airport...landing at 7:10pm. I don't think I'll make it before close, but rest assured, I'll be there first thing tomorrow. Hope the girl at Starbucks is in a good mood. Anyone know their names? I love to drop names.

Yves, how many times have you been today?